Monday, December 8, 2008

Winter Break Assignment: Night by Elie Wiesel

Winter Break Reading: Everything is due: Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

Night by Elie Wiesel

Directions: All of the following assignments are due by Tuesday, January 6, 2009. Some of the assignments are due on the blogger and some are due in hardcopy (typed up on regular paper) so, please make sure you follow the guidelines.

Vocabulary for Night
Directions: Write the definitions for the following words. Please turn this in hardcopy form (typed on paper.) Hand-in on Tuesday, Jan. 6.

1. prostrate 2. interlude 3. reprieve 4. rations 5. dysentery 6. robust 7. quarantine 8. apathy 9. humane 10. grimace 11. nocturnal 12. livid 13. pious 14. interminable 15. wizened 16. morale 17. infernal 18. refuge 19. oppressive 20. expelled

Directions: When reading, be an active reader: take notes and keep a journal. I want you to keep a Reaction Journal for the novel. Everytime you read 10 pages, I want you to react in writing to something you have read that was especially powerful, meaningful, or interesting. Log the page number that you are commenting on, include the date, identify the quote that you are reacting to, and your reaction, which should be a paragraph long. In total, you should have a minimum of 10 paragraphs. Keep this Reaction Journal on the Blogger; you can include pictures if you like.

Directions: Before you begin reading Night, read the questions below and keep them in mind as you read. The questions should be posted on your blogger. Remember no need to write the question out-just give a complete answer.

Questions for Consideration: Elie Wiesel's Night
1) Where is Wiesel's childhood home? Locate the country on a map.
2) Wiesel opens Night by relating his youthful desire to study the cabala. What is the cabala?
3) Wiesel says that when he was young, he wanted to study the cabala in order to know the truths of this world. What kinds of truths is he referring to? After you complete Night, return to this question: what kinds of truth was the young Elie ignorant of?
4) Why is Moshe the Beadle a significant character? What does he tell Elie about answers, questions, and the truth? After you complete Night, return to this question: why was Moshe prescient in his admonition to Elie?
5) Why do the people of Sighet ignore Moshe after he returns from his escape? Why don't they listen to him?
6) Who is Madame Schachter? In what ways is she similar to Moshe the Beadle? (Think about prophetic figures and how people often ignore them.)
7) Consider this passage on pg. 32:Never shall I forget that nocturnal silence which deprived me, for all eternity, of the desires to live. Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. Never shall I forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God himself. Never.
8) What is the context of this passage? How has the young Elie's theology changed? As you continue reading, ask yourself how this passage speaks to the rest of Night.
9) How does Elie's understanding of God and God's presence—or absence— continue to change throughout Night? When is he most angry with God? When is not angry at all? Mark passages throughout Night that illustrate his changing attitudes toward God.
10) What literal and figurative (symbolic or metaphorical) meanings does night have in Night?
11) Why do you think Night is such a slim book? Surely Wiesel could have included much more detail.
12) Is Night a memoir of tragedy or triumph? Can it be both? If so, why? If not, why not?

Write a full 3 page essay. Complete in MLA format, use direct quotes and outside sources (academic level.) Just remember to cite all. Turn in a hardcopy (formal typed essay.) Use the outline that we have been working on to help you write more effectively. Choose one of the following topics for your essay:

1. Dehumanization is the process by which the Nazis gradually reduced the Jews to little more than "things" which were a nuisance to them. Discuss at least three specific examples of events that occurred which dehumanized Eliezer, his father, or his fellow Jews.

2. After Eliezer’s father was beaten by Idek, a Kapo, Eliezer says, "I had watched the whole scene without moving. I kept quiet. In fact I was thinking of how to get farther away so that I would not be hit myself. What is more, any anger I felt at that moment was directed, not against the Kapo, but against my father. I was angry with him, for not knowing how to avoid Idek’s outbreak. That is what concentration camp life had made of me." Discuss what the last line signifies. Discuss how his attitude had changed.

3. Discuss why you think the townspeople remained complacent despite the advance of the German army.

4. Discuss why Eliezer lied to Stein, his relative, about Stein’s family. Discuss whether or not you think he was morally right.

5. Discuss the significance of "night" in the novel. Cite examples from the story to support your answer.

6. Explain the author’s meaning when he says after the handing of the youth from Warsaw that "the soup tasted excellent that evening," yet after the pipel was hanged, "the soup tasted of corpses."
Any Questions, email me. -I will check my email over the break-Happy Holidays!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Rhetorical Monolgue Paragraph

Assignment due Monday, October 13, 2008

Write a paragraph in which you explain the effect of the rhetorical monolgue of Brutus and Marc Antony. Use ethos, pathos, and logos with quotes to prove your point.

Think, how did Antony win over the common people?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Requirments for Jounals

Remember that you are going to turn in ONLY a hardcopy of your Debate Journal.

To get an A:

You need to pull out the quote with the MLA citation- Act, scene, lines

Give what is literally happening within the quote-plot summary

Finally tell me how it will help you for your side of the debate: ie, Refute the opposing sides argument or support your own argument.

If you have questions, please ask.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar, by Shakespeare

Before the actual reading of the play, it is helpful to make the students aware of the many issues explored in this drama. The following activities are designed to encourage students to think about key issues so that they will be actively involved in their reading.


1. The qualities of a good leader is one of the play's important themes. To explore this theme, students can do one or more of the following:
• Discuss the qualities possessed by a good leader. Generate a list of these qualities • Make a list of the leadership qualities that the class feels are legitimate. Compare and contrast the two lists and compile one list of leadership qualities that the class feels a good leader should have. Prioritize the list.
• Examine the effect a leader's domestic relationships, physical condition, and/or athletic ability may have on his or her leadership abilities.

2. Friendship is another major theme in the play. Explore this theme by answering the following questions:
• How far would you go to stop a friend from harming your country?
• How far would you go to obtain revenge on someone or some group who destroyed your best friend?
• Is there anything for which you would betray a friend?
• Which is more important to you, friendship or personal principles? Why?
3. One of the most sensitive issues in the play is suicide. Research attitudes toward suicide held by the following cultures: ancient Roman, modern Japanese, and modern American. Compare and contrast these attitudes in class presentations or in written essays.
4. The role of fate and superstition is another theme.
• To what extent can we control the future?
• How superstitious are you? Do you have any good luck rituals that you perform before important occasions?
• Do you watch for omens before important events?
• Do you read your horoscope every day, and do you follow its advice?

1. Consider the question: Are the conspirators justified in killing Caesar?
• Divide the class into two groups. Individuals in each group will keep journals during the course of their reading.
Group one will look for evidence supporting the conspirators' actions. For example:
Caesar's physical limitations (I ii 95-131)
Why should Caesar be king? (I.ii. 135-141)
The fate of Marullus and Flavius (I.ii. 281-287)
Brutus's reasons for killing Caesar (I.i. 10-34)
Group two will look for evidence refuting the conspirators' actions. For example:
Caesar refuses the crown (I. ii. 220-246)
Caesar's will (III.ii. 240-244 and 249-254)
• At the end of Caesar's speech (III. i. 58-73), have students vote to decide if he should be assassinated. Have them
defend their votes in a short essay.
2. Consider the question: What are the qualities of a good leader? Divide the class into two groups. Individuals in each group
will keep journals during the course of their reading. Group one will look for evidence documenting the leadership
qualities displayed by Caesar and the weaknesses of Brutus as a leader. For example:
• Caesar's strengths as a leader:
An able general (I.i. 32-24)
A shrewd judge of people (I.ii. 192-195 and 198-210)
• Brutus's weaknesses as a leader:
Not a shrewd judge of people (I.ii. 307-322)
Rigid ethics (IV.iii. 65-83)
Group two will look for evidence documenting the leadership qualities displayed by Brutus and the weaknesses of Caesar
as a leader. For example:
• Brutus's strengths as a leader:
Puts the good of the country ahead of his own feelings (II.i. 10-34)
Inspires loyalty (V.v. 68-75)
• Caesar's weaknesses as a leader:
Susceptible to flattery (II. ii. 83-90)
Excessive pride (III. i. 59-73)

Study Guide Questions- Due at the End of each Act

4. Why does Caesar want Calphurnia to stand in Antony's path during the race in honor of the feast of Lupercal?
5. What is Antony's response to Caesar's instructions? What does this suggest about their relationship?
6. What is Caesar's reaction to the soothsayer's warning?
7. What complaint does Cassius make about Brutus's behavior towards him? How does Brutus answer this complaint?
8. Cassius's story attacks what aspect of Caesar's makeup? What is this attack supposed to say to Brutus?
9. What does Cassius mean by the following statement? “ 'Brutus' will start a spirit as soon as 'Caesar.' “(147)
10. How does Brutus respond to Cassius's attack on Caesar?
11. What astute observation does Caesar make of Cassius?
12. What faults does Caesar see in Cassius's nature?
13. What does Caesar mean by the following statement? “I rather tell thee what is to be feared/Than what I fear; for always
I am Caesar.” (211-12)
14. What does this statement show about Caesar's nature?
15. What story does Casca relate to Brutus and Cassius? What does Casca tell us by the personal remarks he adds to the story?
16. How did the people react to Caesar's fit? What does this tell us about their feelings for Caesar?
17. What information does Casca give about Marullus and Flavius?
18. At the end of the scene, what plans does Cassius make to sway Brutus to his cause?
A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classic Edition of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar 6
19. What wonderous things has Casca seen on this night?
20. What reason does Cassius give for the terrible storm?
21. What important news does Casca give Cassius about the Senate's plan?
22. What does Casius mean by the following statement? “He were no lion, were not Romans hinds.”(106)
23. What instructions does Cassius give Cinna that will help sway Brutus to their cause?
24. What reason does Casca give for wanting Brutus to join their cause?
25. What question is Brutus pondering at the opening of the scene?
26. For what information does Brutus want Lucius to look at a calendar? What is the significance of what Lucius finds?
27. Why do the conspirators want Cicero to join them?
28. Why does Brutus reject Cicero? What is Cassius's reaction and what does this show about his and Brutus's relationship?
29. What do the conspirators plan to do the next day?
30. How does Decius say he will make sure that Caesar will come to the Capitol?
31. What has Portia done to show Brutus that she is worthy of knowing his secrets?
32. What strange and horrible things does Calphurnia report to Caesar that have been seen that night?
33. What does Calphurnia mean by the following statement?
“When beggars die, there are no comets seen;/The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes.”(30-31)
34. How does Decius convince Caesar to go to the Capitol?
35. What is Artemidorus's plan?
36. Why is Portia so nervous and upset? On what errand does she send Lucius?
37. In regard to Artemidorus's request, how does Caesar's nobility doom him?
38. What is Metellus Cimber's petition to Caesar? What is Caesar's response and why does he give this response?
39. What does Brutus instruct the conspirators to do before they go before the public? Why does he instruct them to do this?
40. What request does Antony's servant bring to Brutus? What is Brutus's response?
41. Why does Cassius object to letting Antony speak at Caesar's funeral? What reassurance does Brutus give him?
42. What promise does Antony give Brutus about his funeral speech?
43. After being left alone with Caesar's body, what does Antony promise to do?
A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classic Edition of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar 7
44. What reason does Brutus give for murdering Caesar? What is the crowd's reaction?
45. What final mistake does Brutus make in letting Antony speak?
46. Why does Antony read Caesar's will to the people?
47. At the end of the scene, what are the fates of Brutus and Cassius?
48. What is the significance of this scene?
49. What are Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus doing at the opening of the scene?
50. Why do they want Caesar's will? What is ironic about this?
51. What is Antony's plan for Lepidus? What is his reason?
52. What does Brutus tell Lucilius about dying love?
53. What practical instructions does Brutus give Cassius about their disagreement? What is unusual about this?
54. What wrong does Cassius say Brutus has done him?
55. In response, what does Brutus condemn Cassius for doing?
56. What does Cassius threaten to do if Brutus continues to “urge” him?
57. According to Brutus, how has Cassius wronged him? What is ironic about Brutus's accusation?
58. To prove that he has been wronged, what does Cassius tell Brutus to do to him?
59. What is the real reason for Brutus's ill temper? Give all of the details.
60. Messala brings what ill news of the triumvirate's actions in Rome?
61. What reasons does Cassius give for not going directly to Philippi?
62. What reasons does Brutus give for going directly to Philippi? Who prevails?
63. What happens to make Brutus speed up his plans to go to Philippi?
64. What hope of Octavius and Antony is answered? What does this say about Brutus?
65. What does Cassius mean by the following statement?
“Flatterers! Now, Brutus, thank yourself;/This tongue had not offended so today,/If Cassius might have ruled.”(45-47)
66. What ominous sign has Cassius seen that causes him to fear the coming battle?
67. What does Brutus say he will do if they lose the battle? Why is he reluctant to do this?
A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classic Edition of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar 8
68. What horrible mistake does Cassius make? What is the outcome of this mistake?
69. What is Titinius's reaction to Cassius's actions?
70. What is Brutus's response to Cassius's and Titinius's actions?
71. What role does Lucilius take upon himself? What was Antony's response to his masquerade?
72. What request does Brutus make of Clitus? What is his response?
73. What does Brutus ask Volumnius to do? What reasons does he give? What is Volumnius's response?
74. What does Strato do for Brutus? What does Strato ask Brutus to do first? Why?
75. What overture of peace does Octavius make to Brutus's men?
76. How do Antony and Octavius honor Brutus?

Monday, May 5, 2008

Essays and Other Assignments

Summer Project 2008

World Literature

Essays and Other Assignments

Read Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart.

Due: Saturday, August 9, 2008

I.) In five full typed pages (line on the sixth page-work cited seventh page,) answer the following question:

How does the novel, Things Fall Apart illustrate the author’s pride in family, heritage, memory, language, and lives? Include a thesis statement, logical structure and progression, supporting sentences and direct quotations, a conclusion, and a work cited page. –MLA Format (see MLA OWL link)

You will evenutally post the essay to the blog, so save the typed version and turn in the hard copy:

Due: Friday, August 17, 2008

II. In a five page (line on the sixth page) essay explain how your geography or family history or memory has shaped you and/or continues to shape you. –MLA Format (see MLA OWL link)

You will evenutally post the essay on the blog so make sure that you save it and that you turn in a hard copy of the essay on the due date.

August 15, 2008

Other Assignments

III. Journal-Starting June 14, 2008. You will need to keep a Journal three times a week. The Journal needs to be on the blog reflect the thoughts that you have about the reading. Aim to write at least a paragraph or two per journal entry. By the first week of school you will need to have a total of 36 entries. Use the following format for you entries:

Entry number:
Page or Quote that you are reflecting on:

Your Reflection:

You will eventually post your journals on the blog so make sure that they are typed and that you save your work.


Patterson Library and Computer Information

Patterson Library and Computer Information

Patterson46 North SaladoPatterson, CA 95363Phone: (209) 892-6473

The Patterson Library is located at 1167 Route 311 in the Town of Patterson Justice Court building. We are 1/4 mile west of Route 22, just east of the railroad crossing, next door to Benfield Electric and across the road from the Patterson Fire Department.

How to get a Library Card:
It’s easy! Just come in with your photo ID and fill out a registration card, your card will be issued on the spot! Kids under 18 must have a parent with them.

Patterson High School Library
The library website below can help you with additional information that you need like MLA formating:

MLA pages:



May 5, 2008

Instructions for Assignment Posts and Comments:*Pay close attention to instructions. If you fail to follow the instructions and place comments in the wrong section you can receive a zero on your assignment.

Follow the directions to create your blog site at: Make your display name, your first and last name. Once you create your blog page, you will need to make a comment to me in this post, under comments section (see below) letting me know that your site has been created. Include your address (example and any other information that I will need to find your site (like your name.)

You will put all of your assignments on your own blog page as posts. The deadline for creating your blog is Wednesday, May 28, 2007. Please make sure that your site is appropriate under Patterson High School's specifications (i.e. no profanity, inappropriate images, music, etc.) Failure to follow the guidelines will result in serious consequences such as: being dropped from the course and/or suspension upon return to school. Do not include any personal information on your site (i.e. where you live, personal pictures, age, etc.)

Assignment Overview:

You will need to post all of your assignments on your blog site as a post by the due dates when we come back to school. I will view your site once I receive your comment that you have completed the work.

Due Dates for Essays:

Essay 1: Saturday, August 12, 2008

Essay 2: Friday, August 15, 2008

Journal-Starting June 14, 2008. You will need to keep a Journal three times a week. The Journal needs to be on the blog reflect the thoughts that you have about the reading. Aim to write at least a paragraph or two per journal entry. By the first week of school you will need to have a total of 36 entries. Use the following format for you entries:


Entry number:

Page or Quote that you are reflecting on:

P.S. If you are gone for vacation at any point and will miss a deadline you should first, get the assignment done early. Two, notify me and let me know when you will be out and we can deal with individual situations.

To make a comment go to my site and click on the post you want to view, click on comment, type your comment and submit.

Questions email me at

Summer Assignment




May 05, 2008

Dear Students and Parents,

Once again the English Department has published its Summer Project for English 10 Honors. Each student coming into English Honors at Patterson High School must have completed a summer project for each English Honors/AP course that they are taking. In grade 10, the summer project will be worth 15% of the first quarter’s English grade and it serves as a prerequisite for the course. If a student fails to complete the project they will immediately move to English 10 College Prep. Please read over carefully the Summer Project assignment with your student. If you have any questions about any aspect of the summer project, please email me at This email is also displayed under the staff listing at Patterson High School's web site: Please note that some of summer projects have specific deadlines. Be sure to observe these deadlines including online discussions.

Be aware that you will need to post your assignment on an internet blog when we come back to school. It is critical for all college bound students to become familiar with technology. There are computers located at the Patterson Public Library (please see Patterson Library Post) for use by students. Students will be required to sign an Internet Use Agreement form to insure that the integrity of the academic website is kept by Wednesday, May 28th. Failure to follow the guidelines (i.e. no profanity, no inappropriate images, etc.) can result in serious consequences such as: being dropped from the course and/or possible suspension upon return for school. Students cannot include any personal information on the website (i.e. where they live, personal pictures, age, etc.) and once students create their blog I will block interactions between anyone outside of the class. Students are required to make this blog a strict academic setting only. California Commission of Education mandates that students learn how to use technology appropriately in an academic setting. They will be expected to understand technology including, the web, blog, and discussion boards when they go to college. Therefore, students will receive the background they need for college success in this course. Please read the blog and this packet thoroughly, discuss the assignment and blog with your student, sign the packet and have your student return the form to me by Wednesday, May 28th . If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me through the email provided or by calling the school. I look forward to working with you and your student in the near future. We hope that you have a productive and restful summer! Here is the blog link:


Mrs. Bosch
Sophomore Honors English Literature Teacher
Patterson High School